Risk assessments are available in Edrolo if your school is using Daily Plus or a digital textbook for a subject. Additionally, risk assessments are only available for specific subjects that are listed below:
- VCE Units 1&2 Biology
- VCE Units 3&4 Biology
- VCE Units 1&2 Chemistry
- VCE Units 3&4 Chemistry
- Year 7 Science
Our risk assessments link out to the RiskAssess website, which is a program used by many secondary schools in Australia to perform risk assessments for science subjects.
If your school is set up to use RiskAssess with Edrolo, you can access the risk assessments either through Edrolo or the RiskAssess website.
To access via RiskAssess
- Log in to RiskAssess, and you will automatically land on the Home Page.
- You will see a drop-down box called “Library” under “Risk Assessment Search” Click this field which will automatically be set to “All” and you can select “Edrolo templates” to search for available templates.
To access via Edrolo
- Log in to Edrolo, and click “My Courses” and select one of the available courses that has RiskAssess materials.
- Scroll down past your “Subject Overview” and you will see topics that have Risk Assessments by the red triangle icon just below a topic name. Click on the “Explore” button to view more detail about the available risk assessments.
If you are still having trouble viewing the risk assessments for the above subjects, get in touch with our team here.