Accessing Student Textbook Question Responses

To access an overview of how your students have answered textbook theory review questions, you can view the Textbook Grid. You can access the Textbook Grid by clicking into the Subject Page and Topic Page. You can then click 'View responses' next to the lesson textbook questions.

The grid shows a detailed breakdown of student responses to both multiple-choice and short answer questions for an individual lesson. By selecting Filters, you can easily filter the grid to display only correct or incorrect responses. You can find out more about how to interpret the Textbook Grid from the drop-down menu below.



Interpreting the Textbook Grid

Multiple-Choice Questions

For multiple-choice questions, answer correctness can be interpreted from the colour of the triangle in the bottom right corner of each question square. The colour of each question square indicates student understanding based on their self-reflection.

B_right.png Question answered correctly. The student is confident with their understanding after watching the video solution.
B_Wrong.png Question answered incorrectly. The student is confident with their understanding after watching the video solution.
A_Wrong.png Question answered incorrectly. The student still requires help after watching the video solution and would benefit from further revision.
B_correct.png Question guessed correctly. The student still requires help after watching the video solution and would benefit from further revision.


Short Answer Questions

These questions are not marked automatically. You can encourage your students to self-mark their short answer questions by watching video solutions, viewing exemplar responses and completing the checklist after they have answered each question. You will only be able to see student answers if they have completed the question self-reflection.

Individual Question View

You can also access a breakdown of how your class responded to individual review questions by clicking on individual question squares. This view also shows how each individual student answered the question and the status of their self-reflection.


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